No One

The clouds roll in

And rain falls

On my life.

The clouds

Cover the sun.

No light

Shines through them.

The rain

Drowns my hope.

I stand there

Letting the rain

Soak me.

Tears fall

From my eyes,

But no one sees them.

My mood

Matches the weather.

It's almost as if

My tears

Are the rain


All around me.

No one is out

But me.

No one is around

Minus me.

I am alone.

I have been alone

For as long as

I can remember.

No one reaches out

To help me.

Even if they did

I would refuse.

I have been hurt,


By someone I thought

I could trust.

Since that day

I travel alone.

I trust no one.

I believe no one.

I follow no one.

I am No One.

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