One Wish

I got one wish,

For my creator to plead me with a beautiful feminine,

The one that has a big motor of life,

That will keep on running more and more wile we are together,

Just like our first fathers,

The ones that were tempted by the satanic man,

To brighten my creation in every shadowed day,

And to brighten my brightest day,

To give light to our little angels,

The ones that will bring us joy every day,

Our protectors,

A gift from our creator,

Not the gift to deny but proudly to receive,

Exchanging our love from the roosters song to the furry beast howl,

Together ruling our world,

Not caring how many physical structures enter and exit our creation,

Trying to life without temptations,

Not to commit the same mistakes our fathers did,

Repealing to Adam and Eva,


Here I am descending towards your structure,

Saying religious phrases,

Invite you for this wish,

Sounds inadequate,

And I invite too much.


  Verbal Addicts


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