I sit here and think of the times that we shared long ago,
I sit here and think of the way we touch one another,
I sit here and think of the way your skin felt, silky, cold and smooth,
I sit here and think of the way your lips moved when you spoke, and wanting them touching mine,
I sit here and think of your tongue moving from side to side and circling mine when we frenched,
I sit here and think of the way your hips moved when you walked, one fluid motion of muscles and limbs,
I sit here and think of the way you opened up to me when we made love, two moving as one,
I sit here and think of the way you moaned with satisfaction after a night of love making,
I sit here and think of how we looked at each other, hungry with passion yet gentle with our touch,
I sit here and think of how we took each others strength from our frenzy feeding,
I sit here and think of the love that I have for you and when I said " Let me but taste the nectar of your life and I will make you Immortal",
I sit here and I know that I have no regrets.....
Roboam Brea