I am from a world without a father,
A world known by many but expeirenced by few.
I am from visitng him in prison
but only so my mother would cry no longer.
I am from a world of hatered and love but,
in this world you see more of one then the other.
I am from the salty pacific wind, and smog
from the city that burns with every breath drawn.
I am from snickers for breakfast and a
coke for lunch, but as for dinner Ilooked to my older sibilings.
I am from a place wher you teach your
self all that you do today.
I am from having to learn not to wake "daddy" at the age of four other wise you were thrown in to your own room.
I am from a path that leaves you bruised and
batterd, but you grow to live with it.
I am from a mother who loves me very much, and a
father who wasn't there when I needed him the most.
But where would I be without all of this?
Would I be the same person I am today?
I am from a broken path