Depressed Thoughts

Eyes dazzled, watered down faces

The frown that I was once down with, turned into misplaced hatred

Raised with guilt of becoming a subscription pill sold to the masses

Paranoia causing my thoughts to drift like a little girl aimed at the twin towers

A heart of pain, yet blanked out misery that put me in this position

Mixed Emotions damaging my body like a sickel cell formation

I'm screaming, "let me die", like i've been fixed with tranquility

Because death couldn't come sooner for a kid with mixed emotions like me

Dead end work has torn me, broken me and killed me

Happiness lost like a wirlwind that swept through my family

Girlfriends can't understand me, so they abuse my trust as if this was purely fiction

Storytelling, sympathy, attention, yet I told you the truth

Like I was fixated by lies that abondoned the truth

The 7th Headed Dragon swept through my family tree

A father that abused my mother

who eventually gave birth to me

Shouting, drunken fights, "daddy let her go!"

The reality of it, I saw it with my own eyes

A trust that nearly cost us our lives

Because if she had of died

I would have taken my own life

And the family that once stood, planted in stone

The aftermath of a man that almost killed his own.

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