Terror in the night


When I was a boy and it was time to sleep, I prayed the lord my soul to keep. When I closed my eyes and the lights went down, in a horror show of thoughts I did drown.

Scared me so much, I didn’t know what to do, I speak of this because it may have happened to you.

I’d close my eyes and what would I find? The devil himself sneaking up from behind.

At the bottom of my bed he would grab my feet, trying to take to that place beneath. Fighting him nightly it seemed to go on. For a week at a time, which was way too long.

This show came each night when my eyes had just closed, sleeping I was not, what brought him there, who knows?

All I could do not to cry and try to be discreet, is to pray until I fell asleep.

He has gone from my dreams it been some time.  Hope he has given up, and left me behind.

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