Die by the hand that feeds

Tall man
Small brain
He can't see me
But I see him

His voice used to kill me
His footsteps were murder
He smelled of blood
It's almost the same

His voice sounds like songbirds
His footsteps make me smile
He smells of lilac flowers
It'll never be the same again

My hands shake as I move foreword
My teeth quake as I breath deeply
I listen once more
To the sounds of his life

Every one Is Beautiful
Every sound peaks my ears
It makes me so happy, on this night
To know they're his last sounds

I break a giggle
It grows into a full cackle
So violent and menacing
I want him to hear

I want him to see
I want his sight to capture me
To take a snapshot of my embrace
I want him to see my face

His eyes are filled with a dead look
Surprise and then guilt
He knows this face well
It haunts him in his dreams

Trudge faster with my look of insanity
He drops down to his knees and begs
Nothing may save him now
No mercy is left in my heart

I stop, I say nothing
I take my knife
And pass it to him
Walking away I sing my song

He will not live that night
Nor will he ever live again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by the drunken whaler song. Listen to it, It's empowering.