His Shaft reared hot and hard against her,Shock waves of pleasure sizzled
Her breasts were Warm and pliant,Startled by his intimate kisses
Head twisting frantically as he eased her breasts into his wanton lips
Blood humming in her veins as he sucked and teased each nipple in turn
Unchaining wild, delicious feelings,Wild and fierce with an open-mouth kiss
His brazen hands removed her panties down as the barrier of resistance crumbled,
The boldness of his tongue,on every curve of her sensuous body,
She circled his hardness,Clad only in her red skirt and sweet perfume
He felt the Soft cheeks of her bottom as they filled his eager hands
He was buried in the sweet heat of her semi naked body,
His mouth closed around the errect and pert nipples as she Cupped him in her hands
Delighted with her excited anticipation he Drew her into the maelstrom
He Grasped her knees and eased them apart Greedy mouth took bold possession
Her body closed tightly around him as he licked and sucked at her pearl
An Onslaught of raw physical desire roared through her as he probed Silken thighs
Shaft reared hot and hard against her,His Restraint drove her to distraction
Arched her back to better accept him Allowing his erection to cushion against her
He admired her Feminine portal,as he Poised at her entrance slowly pushing in
Tremors rose of his hardness and his Undulating hips Withdrew and slid home again
Stretching her softness Taking him to the hilt,Sliding upwards against him.
Throbbing inside of her Probing in a slow repetitive rhythm,Reeled in wicked delight
Rapid, shallow breaths.Ripples of pleasure Rose over her a Sea of pleasure
Suddenly Shuddering with desire,her Shattering climax and wetness Soared high
Ultimate surcease,Voice quavered with the after effects,he Watched her face
Touch provoked a cry of physical pleasure as he exploded and Spilled his seed.