once upon a long ago



Once a long ago time, upon a poet's fevered brow,

words danced like ghosts in the dim light of a dusty study.

As ink refused to flow, ever stubborn winter frost,

ideas tangled and elusive, slipping through weary fingers.


The poet, eyes bloodshot and weary, stared at the blank page. 
Every thought felt like a weight, pressing down,

demanding to be given form, but eluding capture.

In the silence, the clock ticked, a relentless reminder of time passing.


A candle flickered, casting shadows that invoked secrets, taunting fragments of inspiration,

whilst the poet grappled with the void. 

A sigh escaped, heavy with frustration, 

and the quill scratched against parchment, hesitant, uncertain.

Outside, the world slept, oblivious to the struggle within.

The moon hung high, a silent witness to the battle,

as the poet sought to weave words into existence,

to make sense of the chaos within, to find clarity in the confusion.


The muse, fickle and capricious, hovered just out of reach,

promising brilliance, then retreating into the ether.

Every attempt felt like a step closer to madness, a dance on the edge of despair and creation.


Yet, in the stillness, a spark ignited,

a single thought that broke through the haze.

The poet, with renewed fervour, 

seized the moment, pouring soul into ink, 

shaping the formless into form.

Lines emerged, each a reminder of the struggle, a 

record of the battle waged on paper.

The fevered brow cooled,

the shadows receded, 

and the poet, weary but triumphant, 

gazed upon the creation,

born from the depths of turmoil.


In that moment, the struggle became a story,

etched in ink and memory,

displayed for all, the power of persistence,

and blossoms found in the midst of chaos.


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