not for lack of trying


Through Twilight’s dreams, and Dawn's first light, 
a palpitating pursuit chases after thought; 
In shadows, cats with whispering whiskers bridge, 
unseen efforts scatter, a flight of starlings.

Memories clutch at slender threads, 
of moments missed, words left unspoken; 
Cryptic lines weave through winding tales, 
of love pursued, curtailed by time.

Paths intertwine but never fully cross, 
faint whispers linger, echoing past desires; 
In the breach, a wearying chase, 
not for lack of trying, but elusive fortune.

Closing days bring dusk's tenuous repose,
in shattered hopes and forsaken striving; 
we find comfort in their steadfast hold, 
not for lack of trying, but of ill return.

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