Echo lost its shadow (expanded version)



When echo lost its shadow, 
a haunting void took shadow's place. 
No longer bound by shade's gentle grasp, 
then echo drifted through empty space.

Without its shadow, echo felt cold, 
a chilling darkness, an eerie silence. 
No longer whole, it sought the past, 
its identity lost, its voice forlorn.

A slightest whisper, a lonely sound, 
echoed through the void, not fully grown. 
In shadow's absence, echo’s flown, 
a fractured call, a hollow plea.

Urgency thrived, time running thin, 
the void grew darker, shadows dimmed. 
Abandonment and isolation crept, 
disorientation through endless nights.

A mysterious force, unseen, unknown, 
had stolen shadow, left echo alone. 
A veil of secrecy, a hidden dread, 
echo's search led to the edge of the thread.

Emotional stakes, a heart laid bare, 
echo's sorrow, a silent prayer. 
In the chasm of longing, hope remained, 
to find its shadow, and be whole again.

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