To Be Loved...

What do you do when you love someone deeply, but you're not in love with them?

What do you do when they hurt but you're in love with another and can't seem to help them?

What if you hurt as though you're in love with them and then hurt some more becuse you're not?

What is it called when you love someone so deeply you want the very best for them in all areas and would take their pain in any form for your own if it meant relieving them of theirs?

I want to help. I want to take his pain... I want to see him smile just as badly as I would want my lover to smile... I love him deeply but I'm not in love with him in that way... I love him so much and can't seem to help enough... He says I help, but he still hurts...

I want him to stop hurting. I want him to be happy. I want him to feel love.

I want him... to be as happy as I make my lover...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written as I typed it in the box... Very personal ... posted here so that no one who really knows me in real life will see it... I'm crying... Cassie; I won't want to talk about this... so don't ask...


February 21, 2013

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