what if I didn't wake up


What if I didn't wake up

Would anyone care?

Red velvet roses

 layed against my casket

Despair I was living in 

it actually feels good

no more stressing are headaches 

Just jumping rapidly 

on clouds with God

No more mistakes 


What if I didn't wake up?

Who would visit the funeral?

Who would cry & frown?

them rainy days for them 

would be now lighting with rage 

nobody knows 

the inner battles you fight 

if I didn't wake up this morning 

Its always good to say goodnight




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Gotta be happy with what the life your living cause we only get one shot we don't get hundreds of lives like a video game. Thats why I never understood why people say 'life is like a video game' no its not!! just take a look outside kids hanging themselves because of bullies, wifes getting beating cause she confronted her husband cause he cheated. life is more like making wise descions helping others in need when you can, respecting each other, & believe God can make anything possible.

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