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how can something
Thought to be perfect
end so wrong
I mean....
The days are cold nights so long
From being by my side
To forever being gone
I mean I adored you...
In every way ...
You were my
Moon to night my sun to day
The air I breathe
The life I lead you were the absolute
Best and were all I need
So now I'm lost ..
Lost ....lost because its over
No more!!!!
happiness has come to an end!
7 months 2weeks
No longer can I pretend
The love is gone
I only hold on to memories
Of what you use to be
How we use to speak
Memories of me loving you and you loving me.
The cost of all this pain
My emotions
The romance that centered me
How did love drift away
So I'm lost
Lost .. Because what once was is no longer

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 Uncertain 272 2013/11/07 11 years ago
2 Loves stain 2 204 2013/07/29 11 years ago
3 Lost 1 316 2012/10/02 12 years ago