

I’m broken, I don’t know how to mend or heal.

I don’t even know if I can.

Sometimes my only wish is for the deep dark abyss,

And I tend to think is what’s the use of living with no true love.

I see that it is only love that can break a human and turn him inside out.

Some say the heart is a wheel,

Well what happens when that wheel is bent and broken?

It can not be mended.

When harm has been done no love can be given or received.

What I can not understand is why this should have happened to me.

My heart and love can best be described by a sinking ship and I am on that ship.

I have been told to love myself, 

And I know that to be true. 

But I can’t seem to pull the arrows out.

I have asked and prayed for help, but see none.

I thought this was done, I thought this was over.

My depression is back with a vengeance.

He has come back and means to stay.

This time I do not know if I can beat it alone.

I am so afraid to let people in, as my heart is fragile and bruised.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some of this came from the song I was listening to when writing it. 


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