Like an alien in it's saucer,
perched atop a hill of snow.
Fear battles anticipation.
Mind sings calmly, "let it go."
Mittens sunk like anchors.
Ship's sails set to ride the wind.
Gentle push from awaiting travelers,
allows the journey to begin.
Joyous cheers fade in the distance.
Like fire; cold air burns.
Time passes rather quicky,
with each revolution the vessel earns.
Plummeting down the mountain,
finish line, merely a sprite.
Fear now long forgotten;
run from at the speed of light.
Spinning blindly towards the target,
No stick to clutch, with dizzied eyes.
Piñata waiting at the bottom,
Thrilling journey; nature's prize.
Nearing travel's end,
frozen tundra forms a ramp.
Alien and flying saucer,
Winter's new, crowned, sledding champ.