"pranksta" (part 2)



wow i can't believe

you actually try to battle

you come off all rattled

like you on a crazy horse

with out a damn saddle

pay for some lessons

please, let me talk them

i'll give u my blessin

cause right now your sour

like rotten salad dressin

seriously now your awful

i'm not messin

ok i'll give you some credit

your good at talkin shit

but when it comes to battles

you can't shed it

someone call a medic

i'm done with this edict

you anit even competitive

your minds sic

take some cold medicine

your words are coughing and sneezing

hurting my ears

leaving my ears bleeding

there pleading

for you to by some duck tape

and cover you fingers

stop this lyrical rape

go back to porno and masturbate

cause at this rate

you have an empty plate

don't even contemplate

these words

i broke the slate

don't come back

until you have something

thats worth reading

don't be late

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