look at this guy
talking loud and deviant
walking around with a big stick
to scared to use it
just beating it
thaghost you got me bored
to death
with your stupid ass words
and your stale ass breath
yes this is me mocking you
put down that crystal meth
your already fucked up
in the head
if your words weren't already dead
i'd be offend
but instead
i'm enlightened
so get your note book
and a pen
as i cover you with insults
like butter on bread
your brain must be coated
with lead
because you've been stop cold
by thapoet
and don't even know it
but i can hear you shaking
your lyrics show it
now your coming at me
and about to blow it
come on cuz
go back to what you do best
pretending to be a thug
with a symbol on ya chest
because you have been
laid to rest
here lie's the soul
of thaghost
who failed the test
couldn't hack it
fell out the nest
hit your head
just confess
your lower than less
meager than the rest
your in deep
in a mess
you bulidt it and can't finish it
so i will
deminish you an it
you anint shit
go back to sucking ya moms tit
your babyish
i bet you have a clit
i'm ending it
by rolling you like candy
in paper
to make you handy
for the next
revolution of
battling's diaper dandy's