Suspended emotions hover
within the gray painted backdrop
of willowy curtained reveries,
caricatures of not so long ago
faces gaunt and oddly taunting
as the bittersweet moments
fade melancholy into shadow,
morbidly awaiting the chance
to perform their dance on cue.
Grief stricken specters float silent
in wispy shrouds of bittersweet recall,
like macabre marionettes
bouncing around a smoke filled room,
tucked away in a corner
hidden from bleary eyed view,
banished to the misty sidelines
of life's endless renewals.
Within, a battle wages on,
between the heart and mind,
logic versus irrationality,
unheeding of past pain suffered,
to the victor belong the spoils.
White flags waving...
You can't win for losing.
A flip of the coin to decide
the fate of your sanity.
What's your poison?
Which shall it be?
And who is the real winner
in this arena of the mind?
One who clings to fantasy
begging to be haunted
just a little while longer...
or one who sits stoic, eyes closed
and buys into the delusion
that what is not seen, won't hurt.
Emotional shackles click tight.
No peace for the wicked.
Who's haunting who?
These ghosts will not rest tonight.