"What Sound Denies" (For Justin)

The words may go unspoken but the feeling in your eyes

and the love that lies within your heart overcome what sound denies

the softness of your touch is like letters on my skin

each carress a message from the voiceless man within

The kindness in your heart and the laughter in your soul

mere words cannot convey the love since you I've come to know

though part of you is muted the greatest gifts you'll reach

the love of family, friends and me hope to heal the loss of speech

We do not need your voice to know what lies within your heart

a smile, a look, a touch of hand shows us all you are

words can be lost in moments,a hug or an embrace

words can be lost in loving, a tilting of the face

The feeling is what shines through no matter in what form

it is in the eyes, the touch, the soul and heart where love is born

so let the words remain unspoken let the feeling in your eyes

let the love that lies within your soul, overcome what sound denies...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Due to a lifelong medical condition my friend justin has lost the power of speech,,I wrote this for him,,hopefully to in some way let him know that he is no less a person or a man because of this loss..To also let him know that no matter what,,he has friends and family who know him and love him all the same,,,For you Justin...Love Lisa...

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