Awake Yet, America?

You woke the sleeping giant, the United States.

A group of hypocritical people

controlled by a bunch of bigots,

controlling our fucking fates.

We endlessly proclaim God's false through science

while we bow before church steeples.

Doesn't that just make sense, that we can't figure

that we're a bunch of morons relying on appliances?

We make money off others' pain.

We're capitalizing pigs with absolutely no shame.

Faking patriotism 'cause if it was real

It would've shown before WTC.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


I hate to say it, but I'm far from a patriot. I love this country and the people in it. I do not like what we're doing with it. If you disagree, then that's your views. I  wish you the best with them.

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