Pink Marshmallows

Short Stories

The man peering through the window of the nearby Corner Cafe.

The girl clothed in black dress catching his attention.

Sitting in the same spot every other day reading something peculiar.

Reminding him of fluffy pink marshmallows dipped in dark chocoate.
Entering the Cafe he sat at a table relatively nearby to her.
She flipped a page in her book but he couldn't make out the title.
Knowing she was being watched for every time she glanced away he looked up in her direction .
After some moments the man decided to order a coffee but when he looked back to where the girl was sitting he watched her walking away, leaving through the glass door.
She passed by the window he had always seen her through and she glanced his way.
Recieving from her the slightest smile as beautiful the midnight sky.

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