We are still living the legacy
Of slaves, and slave owners.
When I’m holding you against my chest
I don’t know who holds title
Over your destiny,
But I feel like I have a stake in the answer.
Lori always says yes when she fucks him,
But she squints and turns her head
When he starts beating her kids,
So she is raped just the same.
We can’t sing the little girl happy birthday,
But her mom buys her one of those candles
You get from the church,
On the day she was born.
I can’t get bailed out of this life,
But death is so free.
I’m writing another depressing poem,
Because I know I failed him.
He is only ten miles away,
Smiling through the tears,
Because he needs something to make him laugh.
I wanted this poem to be about him,
But its about his fate instead.
(this isn't part of the poem, but I dedicate the poem to Steven Alcantar, he is a great guy despite his horribly embarrassing last name<3 )