I would rap if I could rap,
You would talk to me if you were worthy me.
You speak to me so your worthy of me.
I got a lot of confidence
And I say it a lot
So my weak predilection with strength is becoming clear.
My standards are lowered
And my dreams are revised
Just so that I can say I am living my dreams.
My nightmares aren’t really nightmares
Because they leave me alone during sleep.
Her promises aren’t really promises.
The truth has to be defended by lies.
Little secrets held by little people
Who wont call you a nigger
But who wont give you the time of day just the same.
Immigrants from Pakistan
Coming to America
For the dream
While hating the Indians.
White people coming to America
Which should be their homeland already
According to the KKK.
And the homeland of the Jews
Is being bombarded by the Muslims
Who rightfully own her.
Ariel Sharon goes to Europe
This democratic west
Which expelled the victims
To grow the Hitler
That he is.
The Sharon that she is
Because she was a victim for too long
To take credit for the crimes
Her victims only want her to ease
So the reality
Of more justified rape can be made prettier.