That's my gold!!!

Some people have said that you'll get a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

But I learned the hard way that that isn't so.

I found the gold but when I turned my back, it was gone.

It was taken back by a darn leprechaun.

That leprechaun kicked my shin and bit my crotch after I called him an indian giver.

Then he hit me with a crowbar and pushed me in the river.

He said that a Native american giver was what he was supposed to be called.

When I got out of the river, I gave him a swift kick in the balls.

I was wet and I was very mad.

I grabbed that little bastard and beat him with every ounce of energy I had.

I learned that leprechauns not only dress in green, they bleed green too.

As he picked up his teeth, he didn't know what to do.

I told him that if I didn't get the gold, I'd whoop him again.

But here came fifty leprechauns and I sure as hell didn't win.

Their tiny little fists broke most of my bones.

If you see any leprechauns, you'd better leave them alone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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