My Baby Doll - Part VIII

It was a day that every pet owner has to face.

You died four years ago and it was a disgrace.

Since you died, I've lost more dogs than you.

My heart was broken last year when I lost two.

Just one year ago today, I had three dogs but now I only have one.

When it came to losing you and my other dogs, I would've rather been shot by a gun.

You were my baby doll and I found you dead four years ago tonight.

Each and every person who has lost a dog can understand my plight.

When I say that I loved you and my other two dogs, it's no lie.

My heart was broken three times when I had to say goodbye.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Agnes (2011-2020) who died four years ago tonight on July 11, 2020.

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