One poem is not enough
Nor is two, three, or four
None are enough to describe it
No word can say it
They just won't fit
So how do I express it?
Ah how it burns for you
It burns like a fiery passion
All for you *******
My first true love
So amazing,
So unprofessional as you calledit
I know the story well
As I"m sure you do too
Why is it known as a story?
Stories end, but chapter of life it should be
Life is never ending
Just like us
So that is what it is
The chapter of our kiss
The winged "vapor brain" wishes to add
to this memoire.
The light you give us
Brightens our days
And our souls
Where would we be without you?
Lost in our Darkness?
Unseen and untold?
The way it used to be? Which was ok
But with you life is perfect
You are our light, you are perfection
You are the sun
Can you hear the beat?
I can
Close your eyes. Listen not
With your mind or ears
Listen with your heart
It's so perfect
So in sync
A beautiful beat
The beat of our hearts
They beat as one
Forming one perfect beat......After another
Each beat starts another
For a never ending song
The effect of a ripple
More than time could tell
More than one lifetime could speak
That is what we are When we're together
Separate we are merely half
Of who we truly are
Nothing can describe us When we are together
Nothing is as wonderful
Only one thing is as perfect
Too see what it is,
Look into the reflection of the night water
So much more I have to say
Do I have the time
Will I Have time?
I can't rush this
You can't rush yourself
Especially when Cooking
What Am I cooking?
Soon you will find out
You will learn indeed
This recipe calls for only two things
I hate one ingredient
It wasn't hard to find at all
"Geeky Gothic" is what it is
Now do you know this recipe?
What I am cooking?
What we are cooking?
All I need is some "Brown Sugar"
I have said all I set out to
Again, nothing I say can entirely Describe it
But that doesn't stop me from trying
I have said
The seven words for my one
I've said it at my best
I hope you understand
Always and Forever
You are my one