Elvis-I can get lonely even in a crowd.
Why do I feel this way?
Why do tears ache to fall?
Why does my chest feel so hollow?
So empty?
A part of me
Always doomed to be
Never a part of them
Destined to it seems to be
Alone in a house of many
They smile
They laugh
So girlish and carefree
Why not me?
Why in my room do I sit by myself?
Feeling so outcast
A shadow among the living
When I dare
Their silence and cold stares
Strain me
Leave me bitter
Angry at myself
Puzzled over just what I could be missing
That would cause this social illness
Me, oh unhappy me
Abanonded me
Alone in a house of many
I'm hurt
I'm lonely
I admit it freely
I know I deserve
So much more
But how do i get it?
Sometimes forbidden the thought crosses my mind
Maybe just maybe I should
I could take the ulimate escape
So I would't have to be anymore
All alone in a house of many
Is it my fault?
Do I just not try hard enough?
Am I an antisocial bitch?
I don't believe I am
But then I have been wrong before
My own mother threw me away
Maybe she knew something I did't
Maybe no matter what I did
To please her
I was never going to be
The kind of child she wanted
Cause deep down
I'm a monster
A horror so awful
God is laughing
As he sees to it
The devil gets what she deserves
Living all alone...
In a house of many
2013 Ramona Thompson