Note-I am hurt and I am angry!
You're such a hateful bitch
I just wanna strangle you
I hate you so much
You judge and command
Try to order me around
Never offer any real comfort
Unless it comforts you
Bitch ass!
Sometimes I picture you
Going out to run an errand
And never coming back home
The victim of some random crime or accident
Yeah, sometimes I wish for
Want it to bad
I can taste it
Thinking dear God if only....
Maybe just maybe
I'd have my freedom
From you and all your contant bitching
You damn fucking whore!
Laugh it off
Smirk just like you always do
But someday you're push me too far
And someone's gonna get hurt
Someone who isn't me
And maybe finally
You'll learn your lesson
A fatal one
You don't treat someone
Someone you claim to love
Like so much interior shit
Ms. Priss Rich Bitch!
Quickly losing my fear
Temper rising
Like a volcano
I'm about to blow
Thisclose to not taking your shit anymore
You God damn little fucker!
I love you
But I also hate you
And wish you would
Hurry up and die already
In short I guess what I'm trying to say is......
............. You're the worst best friend ever
Signed with love, kisses and hisses,
Ramona-Your BFF and worse enemy forever!