I don't know
Why I'm still here
Still believing in him
Even after a betrayal of trust
Even after he broke my heart
Cried tears
Like an endless torrant of rain
Swept away by him
To my own private island of heartache and pain
Friends should never have
Tried to become more
Or should they?
One kiss
One sweet smile
And I was hooked
Sadly enough
So was he
On something far stronger
Then puppy love
When life did't pan out perfect
From my arms
To his old but deadly friend, the bottle
He strayed
Is this the end?
The ulimate dealbreaker for us?
I guess if I'm being honest
100 percent with all you reading this and with myself
I still want him
Not so great when he's drunk
But good god when that man is sober
He is so charming
Sets my heart ablaze
Turns everything inside of me
Upside down and sideways
So yeah
I do know why I'm here
I do know
Why I'm writing and posting this
Heart poured out onto these pages
My feelings clear as day
Got more then just a crush
Going on here
Think I could be fallin'
In like at least
A dozen red
A hopeful smile
Open arms
Friendship I'll take
If that's all for now
To be offered
I have roses for Randon
What do you all think?
After reading this
Will he have the time and maybe even...
A heart for me?
2013 Ramona Thompson