It's Not Your Fault I Fell In Love With You

Note-Thanks a lot you sob! Broke my fucking heart in pieces!

Love came in
Through the closed door of my heart
Took me by surprise
Shook you all up
I wanted to be one
You ask to remain
A very serperate two
Ripped my youthful dreams
My fantasy
In a cool whisper
Away like the cruelest winter wind

No, it's not you I blame
It's me
Silly, stupid me!
For daring to believe
The impossible could be
Even remotely possible
Played the game and as usual I lost
I was so desperate to win
You made me feel
Like no other man ever has before
And maybe for you that's all
It ever was
Just a lusty, good time
Sadly, for me
It was more
Enough that I could no longer ignore

Sex we never had
And for that
I thank God
More to you then just my heart
I did't lose
Wanted so bad
Too bad
For us to be
Forever meant to be

Wish I could
But I can't
Settle for crumbs
When I want
When I deserve
The whole loaf of bread
And you can't be the food
To feed my love
So be it
I'll move on
Still always with you
A part of me

It's not your fault I fell in love with you
But thank you anyway for the experience, I guess.....

2012 Ramona Thompson

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