In his most holy and just name
I serve
I give all of me
If it is his will
Not a violent man by nature
Just one who believes
In justice
Freedrom from the wicked American scum
Too long allowed to have their way
You call me a monster
But they have done much worse by far
Murdering our innocent women and children
In a so called battle
To protect their own dirty little brats
Babies better off aborted then born
To selfish mothers and fathers
Who will only toss them away as useless trash
When they grow sick of them
Hellions bent on domination
Blaming us for their wars and 9/11
All their own fault
For being so greedy and cruel
Deserved just what they got and will get
All the death and fire raining down
Our precious Allah deems fit
To pour upon them
Which brings me to the point of this terrorist prose
All you foolish idiot Americans
As I strap myself in
For one final flight
To sweet victory and an army of vigins
Wating for me
In the Heavens afterwards
My mission and my mind clear
This you infiels is my message to you
You wish to know why I do this
I do this
You oil mad fools
For one
The one and only
Almighty one
I do this for my Allah
Praise be to his name
And a curse on yours!
2011 Ramona Thompson