
Note-For a lovesick old fool who won't leave me the hell alone! So pathetic!


You will never have me

How pathetic you are!

Sicken me day and ight

With your disrespectful ways

You never listen

Never hear

Never care

God damn you!


I don't feel alive

In fact, most days

I think about

Being dead

How much better

It could all be

If only from this human shell

I were free


Self deception

The very worst deception

As you follow along

Still blind, dumb and dumb to my lack of interest

Trailing beside me

Like a lost lovesick puppy dog

I am evermore digusted

Wishing only that you would go

Forever away

For I don't want you

And never will

You fool!

Been told this!

At least a thousand times!


What more will it take?

To escape you?

And your unwanted affections

Good God!

Dennis you menace!

Must I step off the edge of that cliff?

Nevermore to breath or return?


Your Choice!


2024 Ramona Thompson Felton-Married! Off limits you old stupid man!


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