The Bon Ouija Prayer

This is us down upon our knees

Hunting for an answer, any answer

Eager to find true mates of the musical soul kind


Bent but far from broken

Onward down this dusty heavy metal trail we ride

Never giving up on the dream that is Bon Ouija


Only this and nothing else do we live for

United in our quest to set the metal beast again free

It is our accepted and most beloved fate

Joined as a band of brothers

Allowing no doubters or haters to disrupt


Please try to understand

Ramona and the gang really do need all the help you can offer them

You could well be their only hope

Empty handed you must not leave them

Rush to their side to pray with them that soon....


Bon Ouija shall rise up and conquer!


2020 Ramona Thompson/Bon Ouija

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