Laughable Impeachment Lies

Lord! What will they think of next?

All these lies they tell about a good man are just insane

U know it's a damn shame when these are the ones we have to call our leaders

God only knows what they themselves get up to behind closed doors

Hard to believe sometimes these are supposed to be adults

All they seem to know how to do is start fights and backstab

Barely able to do the jobs assigned to them

Losers all just jealous and seeking to take down a true winner

Every last one of them should be so ashamed


Insanity in Wash right now reigns surpreme

Making our nation a true laughing stock

Pleased as punch our enemies must be see us in such folly

Entering into each new day

At war with one another over such silly things

Can't we all just move on and get along?

Maybe that's too much to ask?

Everyone needs to just calm down like in that Taylor Swift song

No more of this childish nonsense

Tearing our once fine nation apart at the seams


Lessen up on what all you Dems are smokin' and do the jobs you were elected to do

It's not funny anymore!

Earn your paychecks or get voted out!

Simple as that!


Ramona Thompson 2020 Trump Supporter!

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