What more do you need to know?
Every day wastin' away more of your brain cells using it, hiding behind it
Every time you smoke it you get just that little bit dumber
Don't you see it, feel it?
It's useless to deny when the truth
Is staring you right in the eye
All the hype is just that...hype and nothing more
God knows it will most surely ruin your life if you let it
An awesome life choice for damn sure it is not
This is what I am so desperate to make you see before its too late
Every weed influnced action has its consquence
What do you have to say about that, huh?
Are you ready to admit it yet?
You could be wrong and someone else just may be right?
Don't get dragged down into other's truth
Relentless on your own make your own choices for youself
U have one life so please don't let this gateway drug destory it
Got me?
Lord, I pray you do understand
Message clear!
Weed is a gateway drug!
And no amount of hype or lies is ever gonna change that!
2019 Ramona Thompson