Let's Be Bon Ouija Buddies

Let your true rock n roll self shine here tonight

Entertain the masses with us

Take the stage and your life by storm

Search and find who the real you is down deep inside


Break the mold!

Everyone will forever adore you for it


Breathe and take in deep the fresh air of your new and exciting life

Overwelming fame soon awaits

Never again will you have to fear being left out


On the way is greater joy and happiness than you have than

U have ever known

It is your time and your place at last

Just awesome to know isn't it?

Always now and forever all about you and your wonderous talent


Bored nevermore

U will have and share a whole new life

Despair and depression a thing of the long forgotten past

Do you see now?

It's your future bold and as bright as can be

Every dream and then some come true

So what are you waiting for?


Come on!

Let's be Bon Ouija buddies forever!

Starting here today!


2019 Ramona Thompson/Bon Ouija


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