I urge you most desperately not to be so damn selfish
What you took is what I deserve so much more than you ever will
All I want is for you to choose another and let go of the one I adore
No hard feelings and no more angry phone calls between us
The deal is simple if only you would shake my hand on it
Make me smile again won't you please
You just can't break an innocent heart like this, can you?
All I have ever wanted is just this one thing
Please don't take it away me! Please!
All I have left anymore is the hope you will step aside
Rent it to me instead and stop this flood of endless tears
Make yourself appear at least somewhat decent and human
Enter into any other agreement but this one which would shatter my everything
Now! Won't you please?! Have a heart and listen!
Tell me it's not too late
Bend just a little and give in just this once, please
A world of good you would be bringing into one very unhappy woman's life
Can't you see how that would benefit us both oh so much?
Kindly release the hold you have on the only place I want to call my home
Won't you?
Won't you?
Oh please!