A Bon Ouija Memorial Day Tribute

And we are here to honor fallen heroes


Bring back the glory

Of golden days

Now more than ever before we must stand tall and proud as



United nation

In ourselves search deep and share with the rest of the world our very best

Just as those who came before us once did

A finer statement we cannot think to make than this one


Making a musical tribute to honor the best and the bravest

Every last one we vow will never forget

Making our mark and our stand same as them

Open to healing through music the wounds left behind

Rock n roll is our answer and our goal

In God we trust to guide us

Along a path bold and true

Letting nothing stop this project from being heard


Dare you to join us upon our noble quest

A few good brave and bold men we surely do need

You could do so much for the future, if only you would lend a hand


Take some time out of your busy life to volunteer and to care

Reward the masses by performing kind and caring deeds

Instill in them and in yourselfs a new sense of belonging

Boldly rock where no man has rocked before

U could be

The one to give all the world a new and lasting hope

Eternal to carry them thru the darkest of days and nights of whatever may lay ahead


2019 Ramona Thompson

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