Bon Ouija Angel Mother

Youtube project ad and poem-write for all details if you wish!


Blessings rain down from heavy metal Heaven today

One awesome miracle coming your way

No more room for doubt or fear


Only take her hand to know true musical bliss

U will take flight with your rockin' guitar

In your soul a new peace and calm to spread

Justified at last to rock n roll

As this angel shows you a new and miraculous way


Astonded you will be to find that here is where you belonged all along

Now in this moment at the side of Bon Ouija

God has willed it be so from the heavens above

Eternal your music will be hailed as 



More than this no mortal man can ask

Open yourself now to

The impossible becoming possible

Hail, hail rock n roll!

Everything found at last that your soul has sought for so long

Rendered to you forever as your most wonderful heavy metal award


Granted by God and the holy, pure perfection of....


The Bon Ouija Angel Mother!


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