Who Can Be The Bon Ouija Front Man?

Seeking a singer for our project!


Who among you will become our hero, our idol?

Heaven's eye glances tonight and locks on whom?

One of you we know for sure


Caught up in this perfect moment

A star will be born

None will ever be able to again resist them having once heard them


Brand building now and so we are searching

Endless seeking that one very best one


The core of the true, amazing artist that you are

Held up for our inspection

Eager to hear and see all that you can do to move the crowd


Fearless you be 100 and ten percent

Rock n roll in your blood

One and only one thing on your mind

Never enough to satisfy

The metal must beat hard and heavy inside of you


Made of steel and personality

A beast we wanna feel unleashed

No shy wall flower to just stand there


Only the most talented of you will do to

Free the music tonight


Born to rock n roll you must be

Open to whatever this experience brings your way

No guts, no glory as the old saying goes


Only you know if

U are ready or not

Invested to go all the way?

Just a little bit won't do

All, yeah we got to have your all


If you wanna be.....


The front man for Bon Ouija!

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