Inspired by this shocking and file story!
You need to learn some manners and learn them fast
Oh so young and dumb
U think you're entitled to act the brat?
No way in Hell young man!
God awful display you put on with that self righteous litle smirk
Abortion is really something your mother should have thought about
Never been so ashamed of a fellow American before
Do you have no respect for yourself or any others?
U might wanna grow up!
Making America digusted again is all you have accomplished
Better believe this will reflect on your so called future
Turd of the world is all you are littel Mr. So Called Tough Guy
Run with the big dogs?
U have got to be kidding!
Morons like you don't know the first thing about real life and how tough it can be
Plan only for a job among the lowest of the low cause I doubt you will even finish high school, little man
Such a pathetic worm you are
U think you're so hot, so great, so grand
Please! You and your friends are nothing special at all!
Parasites and street beggers is all you are destined to ever be
Oh how sad isn't it?
The money and time your parents wasted on a loser like you
Every time I see that damn video I am sickened all over again
Respect is something you better learn, boy
Before you think you deserve it
First you gotta earn it!
2019 Ramona Thompson Felton