I Am At War With Christmas!

Note-Not at all how I feel. Just got inspired to write this by something I saw earlier in the day.


I have had all I'm gonna take of this false holiday cheer


Alarmed so many can be happy while all around us our world is falling apart

Makes me so damn mad all I see is red, red, red and more red!


All I want is for this useless holiday to be banned

 This is all I ask

At least maybe until we have a lot more world peace and a whole lot less Donald Trump


What's it gonna take to get this done?

An all out march and protest?!

Really! Are you freaking me?!


Why give in to joy when all around me so many are depressed and weeping?

It's sick is what it is!

The cruelness of it I simply can no longer bear

Help me if you can to end this endless misery gathered tonight around my Christmas tree


Cheering for the demise of an all together selfish day

Hell with it and anyone who mindlessly supports it!

Remember not all are as fortunate as you

It's not right to rub their faces in it just because you can

So shut up, please!

This charade of a blissful world has gone on long enough

May we all just focus here please!

And make some much needed changes

So that we can get on with the real business of this world


Saving it!

Not falsely praising

Yet another lie!


2018 Ramona Thompson


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