I love you.. is for fools..

Added in 2011

Love is a broken mastery of chaos
Like a tidal wave of emotion gone wrong
All at once it comes crashing down
And the beautiful passion starts fading

In the first moments love bursts forth,
Unbridled passion consumes a man
Lust like a lion on the hunt attacks
Then exhaustion sets in and calm

The word lingers on your tongue
The desire to say what is not
It’s the passion.. the lust
So many have fallen in the truth

I love you is easy to utter forth
The words are like sugar so sweet
The embrace fills the void within
For the moment all is still

In the quiet after, the truth taps
Ever so softly at first, then louder
One can only ignore reality so long
Till the moment comes alas

The beauty of another starts a flame
The lust forms with in you and cave
Oh the words.. how they linger
I love you.. is for fools..

Men do not love, they lust
Some woman fall victim
The words say so much
Or do they, don’t fool me..

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