Close your eyes

Added in 2011

Isn’t It funny..
How we die..
How we empty our hearts,
How we cry..

Isn’t it strange
How we love,
Give everything up
Yet nothings enough,

Isn’t it sad,
How we hurt others,
Dissolving the mind,
Killing inside

Just let her cry
She will survive,
Just take what is left
you won’t see her death

Isn’t it funny
How she cries in the night
How she puts up a fight
How she falls

Isn’t it strange,
How she lets it all go,
How you’ll never know
How she feels

Isn’t it sad,
She’s gone now for good,
You would’ve helped if you could
But you didn’t

It’s not all your fault
Really.. it’s ok,
No one else cares anyway,
Just close your eyes… again

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