my dream

i've walked the shores

i've sailed the seas

to find a man

who was man enough for me

the skies may look far

but i've rode the winds

and touched the clouds

yet, i'm still alone.

the sun lights the sky, its day

the moon and stars at night.

i stand and watch

then i sigh and hope

that i may get there someday

my dream of many years

was not to walk a shadow

in the midst of many

nor stand and feel my tears slowly fall

i ask not for the riches nor wealth

or the treasures of the sea

but dream to find the joy that brings me home

to hear the songs of the birds,

the crush of waves on the shores.

to see summer, winter, spring and autumn

in the eyes of one who bears a smile

and most of all

i dream to find a love that’s shared and real,

warm and true

and best of all,

a love that’s mine.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

everyone has a dream that's unique.
someday, it just might come true,
i know mine will :-)

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