Wake me up
my wide-eyed desperation
longing for some closure
to this catastrophic situation
that had lead my mind to wander
from doubt to dedication
almost lost everything
from that one small situation
So shake me now
and awake me from my slumber
you've found me once again
and tarnished my phone number
I'll end this charade
without thought and without wonder
I won't lose it all again
I won't make another blunder
You failed me back then
a enemy in friends skin
and shed your happy smile
for the venom within
So please don't call me now
I don't want to read those lies
wake me up from this dream
and I'll come to realise
that although some people cheat me
I'll do better than you
and no matter how desperate
I'll run the list all though
and right down at the bottom
near the bitter, dire end
will be your name and number
my long lost, shameless friend.