One arguement after the other
it's like this spiral never ends
(I'm holding onto the silken rope
but I fear that I'll let go again)
and all I hear are hurtful words
full of anger and of spite
I don't care what the purpose was
I don't care who was wrong or right
Tired of miscommunication
is there an end to what we've begun?
I'll hide myself away 'til then
I'll take to my heels and then I'll run
because I can't keep on this rollercoaster
I'm not strong enough to endure the ride
Just move along and let it settle
let the present feelings slide
and maybe later when you're ready
we'll sit down and talk some more
just leave me alone right now
let me sink down to the floor
allow me this sweet depression
the melodies of my heart ache
you'll find I'll be alright tomorrow
but for now, let my heart break.