Those eyes
the ones that looked hopeful and sad when asked me if I was married
the ones that looked wounded and gaurded when I told them those hands to back off
whhe I said the signals were misread
even though they weren't
the ones that looked so hopeful happy surprised when I said I was going on break the same time as you
those big deep warm brown eyes
they seem they can't really lie
the same that carry that warm spark
or bounice it back
to me when we run into each other out in open world
but when I look deep into them like some solemn pool in the dark
i almost can only see my own reflected back at me ;; and the value that should be in them ,, I can't quite read can't quite take it at its value
but still so very solemn and sweet
tragic almost we are
as knowing how this thing is real this beast that has us swallowed up together
at once knowing how much of it can ,could /never be /
it's a tragic feeling joy this treasure we share
we take it out to play
play so often
what if we break it
or wear out the disc
solemn silly tragic and sweet
such a singular
such a visceral
primal instinctual
Us , such a tragic , lucid beast