These disturbing thoughts and feelings

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This four piece work was dedicated to a muse who never knew. I had to vent my feelings out because I know that obsessing over her won't solve anything. I still feel something for her though. xDD.

And I don't know if I'm still going to add another poem. That might be it.


Also, I dedicate these poems to the people who experienced and who are currently experiencing the same thing and can relate.

Unrequited Love at its finest.

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 It's confusing, to say the least 415 2013/05/17 12 years ago
2 So Hellbent about you 430 2012/05/04 12 years ago
3 I'm Dying To Know The Truth 308 2012/04/27 12 years ago
4 You make it so 313 2012/04/26 12 years ago